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DIGITAL CAMERAS � FIRST STEPS The course aims to� give you a basic understanding of digital cameras and image editing software. It is for� students who have an interest in digital cameras and would like to work with images. During the course� in a tutor led environment you will: � Discuss the use of digital cameras and how to download images on to the computer. � Take a photo with a digital camera and download the images to a computer. � Use an image editing software (Adobe Photoshop Elements) to improve photos by cropping, changing the colour and contrast. � Print your work. By the end of the course� you will have a better idea of what a digital camera is and what can be achieved using image-editing software to improve or change an image. Assessment � your progress will be assessed continually during the course. After the course� you will be able to progress on to a slightly more advanced Digital Camera course such as the Digital Cameras � Second Steps. Please bring: A pen and pad to make your own notes, and a folder for your work. Additional costs: None.

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Last updated :- 06:08 11-17-2019 EST

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